Batman: Arkham Knight - 10 Gadgets That Must Be Included

10. Ultrasonic Bat-Call

Seen in: Batman Begins, Year One As any who've played Far Cry 3 can attest to, there's nothing quite like weaponising nature to do your enemy-dispatching work for you. In that game unleashing a caged tiger or directing a perturbed alligator towards a goon's legs was just endlessly satisfying, and for Arkham Knight we're hoping Rocksteady take note of one of the coolest moments in the movie trilogy - calling an entire cave-full of bats swoop in and save the day. More of a diversionary tactic than anything offensive, there are a bunch of scenarios where this would be absolutely perfect for scaring the bejesus out of your enemies, potentially surrendering their weapons and opening them up to a few multi-takedowns. In Begins, Batman takes off a part of his shoe and throws it to direct the swarm after initially calling them, which would be great if you're inside an interior and can just deploy it at will. Lobbing it down into a cluster of bad guys only for any windows in the area to smash and your miniature army to fly in would be beyond awesome.
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