Batman: Arkham Knight - 10 Huge Plot Details Revealed In February 2015

2. Batmobile Combat Looks Deadlier Than Ever

The inclusion of Batmobile-based combat has been the only thing that just doesn't sit right with the majority - especially when Batman's shown barreling through support struts and Gotham's architecture in general. How is this the watchful, caring protector of Gotham when he's destroying half the city throughout every mission? If you're sitting firmly in the hate camp then the newest trailer that shows him ending a pursuit by blowing the car in front to smithereens isn't going to dissuade you from that either. Even if you go with the whole "They're non-lethal rounds" approach, using explosives on vehicles driven by other NPCs just has too much of a non-Batman whiff about it. The fact that the majority of what you're blowing apart will be unmanned, automated drones already feels like a bit of a stretch to allow for more gunplay, but now it looks like you'll be blasting gang-cars to ribbons too, making for The A-Team's "They're alright folks!" sensibility echoing out after every crash that should otherwise kill whoever's inside.
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