Batman: Arkham Knight - 10 Huge Plot Details Revealed In February 2015

8. Everyone Answers To Scarecrow

If you kept your eyes peeled throughout the new trailer it's easy to see the Arkham Knight is involved in some overarching scheme with the rest of Batman's greatest villains, mainly appearing for the first time alongside another villain - with Scarecrow himself. Poison Ivy talks of there being 'a meeting' where all the previous villains - including everyone from Harley Quinn to Firefly and Ivy herself - set aside their differences for the sake of taking down Batman. It's a strange tact as although Scarecrow was mentioned to be the guy releasing Fear toxin across the city, does he really have the credentials to stand in for Joker's absence? Many people forget the Clown Prince himself was pretty much absent throughout Arkham City, yet in trying to fill this villainous gap you'd hope for someone a bit more intimidating than Scarecrow who's only way to bring the pain is to drug you into a stupor. Still, whatever leverage the 'Crow has up his tattered sleeves is very much effective, as he seemingly dictates to everyone including guys like Harvey Dent and Penguin that they're "under protection" - something guys like them most likely wouldn't admit to needing.
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