Batman: Arkham Knight - 10 Huge Plot Details Revealed In February 2015

9. Commissioner Gordon Has Some Considerable Backup

If there's one thing that comes across very well in the new footage, it's every individual party vying for control of Gotham all fighting for survival whilst being backed into their respective corners. Commissioner Gordon was always a mainstay of the franchise, but now he looks to be accompanied by Renee Montoya, someone who's a huge fan-favourite thanks to being involved in one hell of an awesome story where the GCPD form an unlikely alliance with Two-Face of all people. Perhaps her inclusion is to tap into this thread and bring about an 'enemy of my enemy'-style storyline? Considering the apocalyptic-nature of the setup so far and how far each faction may go with the hope to restore peace in Gotham, it's very possible there are some alliances forged for the most tenuous of reasons.
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