Batman: Arkham Knight - 10 Huge Things We Learned At E3‏

10. Scarecrow Takes Centre Stage

Where he has been a peripheral character in the previous games, it looks like the Scarecrow is going to be front and centre in Arkham Knight. We don't know if he has any connection to the mysterious, titular villain, but we do know he's going to be a pretty big deal. Such a big deal in fact, that former psychiatrist Jonathan Crane "hijacked" the game's E3 trailer amidst the white noise of interference that would herald his appearance in a way reminiscent of Batman: Arkham Asylum. Scarecrow's genuinely chilling monologue puts paid to the speculation that he's going to be the one orchestrating whatever insurmountable odds the Dark Knight is going to be facing up to in this game. Considering - Arkham City spoilers - The Joker apparently died at the end of that game, the Batman games need a new central villain, therefore it looks like Crane's gunning for the Clown Prince of Crime's spot by promising to "drag your beloved Gotham into oblivion". Cripes.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at