Batman: Arkham Knight - 10 Huge Things We Learned At E3‏

9. There Are Exclusive Nightmare Missions

Not only will the Scarecrow be playing a central role in Arkham City's narrative, but it looks like he might be guiding the gameplay a little too. His sections of Arkham Asylum were almost like asides to the game's main story, but they were some of the most memorable parts of that first entry that utilised the character in a slightly obvious-yet-inspired manner. The announced "Nightmare Missions" in Arkham Knight could very well take a similar form to those levels which saw Crane dosing Batman with his patented gas that causes the victim to hallucinate their greatest personal fears. In the case of the Dark Knight, this usually took the form of a giant Scarecrow presiding over the ruins of Arkham Asylum, with Wayne regressing to his terrified childhood self, mourning the loss of his parents. It was a great psychological twist to the game, which for the most part was about combat and puzzle-solving, giving a new spin on boss battles and greater insight into the Batman character. If these Nightmare Missions in Arkham Knight are at all similar, we're in for a real treat - and it's a pretty big bonus to Sony platform holders that for the time being they're exclusive to Playstation too.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at