Batman: Arkham Knight - 10 Things It Must Learn From Origins

5. Don't Ignore The Supporting Cast

A key element of WB Montréal's prequel was the emphasis on how Batman forged the relationships that came to define him as a character. Indeed, Bruce Wayne's supporting cast defines him just as much as his pointy-eared cowl does. Origins portrayed a strong emotional arc between Bruce and his loyal butler, Alfred, and even showed the transition of Batman's tumultuous relationship with the GCPD to one much more amiable in nature. The game's plot didn't necessarily cover all the bases, but it established the origins of Arkham brilliantly. In both of Rocksteady's games so far we have seen Batman's supporting cast in a very limited aspect, with Oracle and Jim Gordon bearing the brunt of attention in Asylum and City. Alfred's companionship was sadly cut short in City, and the Commissioner was almost non-existent in the game's storyline as well. Robin had a brief cameo, but he wasn't really given anything to do until the Harley Quinn's Revenge DLC - it is therefore essential that Rocksteady aim to do justice to Batman's supporting cast this time around. Batman would be nothing without his allies - they form a part of his rich and colourful history, and whilst the more solitary of tales have worked to writers' strengths in the past, a supporting cast really is a must-have for a game as expansive as Arkham Knight.
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Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Dad Movies are my jam.