Batman: Arkham Knight: 10 Things It Must Learn From Shadow Of Mordor

10. Free-Running Aspects

Many years ago, stiff movement was a major problem in video games. To some extent, it still is, though with the likes of Assassin's Creed, gaming took a big leap towards allowing the player to move freely and quickly. Free-running or parkour has slowly been infiltrating various genres over the past few years (Titanfall is a great example) and while it isn't wholly original, Shadow Of Mordor introduces some of these elements into the mix. Admittedly, it all feels a bit too much like Assassin's Creed, but Talion is able to scale walls and run along roofs with ease. While on foot, travelling across Mordor, a particular ability allows you to move faster after vaulting over obstacles, giving you more motivation to do so. It all works fluently and it allows you to scale towers, ruins and walls with ease, all while giving you vantage points to plan attacks on your enemies. Movement isn't necessarily a problem in the Arkham series but Batman is a pretty agile guy (unless Arkham Knight will be based on the older Dark Knight Returns model); in addition to his glide and Grapple Gun, he should be able to scale walls and move with agility and speed along the ground. It would add a new element to the series and would grant access to new vantage points, rather than hanging around on gargoyles and waiting for goons to walk beneath you.

I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.