Batman: Arkham Knight: 10 Things It Must Learn From Shadow Of Mordor

6. The Joys Of Pre-Planning

Rushing headfirst into something is always a foolhardy tactic; gaming has taught us this constantly over the years. Patience and careful planning is oftentimes the only way to advance through a video game and the Arkham series is a great example of this. However, Shadow Of Mordor implements some new features which make careful planning even more of a reward and it would be great to see Arkham Knight follow suit. We've already discussed the advantages of identifying a Captain's strengths and weaknesses but there's even more depth to the system. A Warchief can have Captains assigned to him as Bodyguards; if you go straight after the Warchief, those Captains will be defending him, making your assassination task even harder. By eliminating the assigned Captains first, you're evening the odds in battle and giving yourself a better shot at besting the Warchief; it helps bring the game world to life and makes your planning and preparation for battle key. On top of that, there's various ways to eliminate enemies that require some prep work. It's possible to poison a Captain, for example, at a Feast. This requires you to sneak in, poison the grog and watch from the shadows as the Uruk start to blame each other and do your job for you. Carefully assessing the area and utilising the tools given to you is only possible through pre-planned movements and it's massively rewarding to do so. The Arkham series encourages it too (mainly to avoid Bats taking a face-full of lead) but it's even more crucial in Shadow Of Mordor.

I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.