Batman: Arkham Knight: 10 Things It Must Learn From Shadow Of Mordor

5. New Villains

The mere suggestion that Batman's villains aren't good enough for a video game seems like blasphemy but just about every major entry in Batman's rogue gallery has been covered in the Arkham series (or at least, it feels that way). Obviously you can't have a Batman game without some familiar faces or mentions but there is an opportunity for Rocksteady to add an air of originality to Arkham Knight with a new face or two. Shadow Of Mordor has a similar problem. Set between The Hobbit and The Lord Of The Rings, Shadow Of Mordor's story is set before and after two major conflicts, limiting the number of recognisable villains that could be included within the game. Instead, Shadow Of Mordor created a number of smaller, named villains; each with their own personalities and traits. Sure, they're not really memorable but when you're tracking and hunting them down, each one feels like your own personal rival. It would be a risky venture but if Rocksteady were to populate Arkham Knight with lesser, original villains (each with their own exploitable fears), it would make Batman's plight against the criminal underworld more personal, rather than battling nameless goons continuously.

I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.