Batman Arkham Knight: 12 Big Questions Rocksteady Need To Answer

1. Will Batman Die?

Could Rocksteady do it? Could Batman Arkham Knight be the actual end of the Dark Knight, sacrificing himself for the greater good and restoring order to Gotham in the process? It seems almost as if it would be a bittersweet end to an amazing trilogy; although the Batman character would live on, Rocksteady's Batman would go out with a bang and hang up his cowl not though retirement, but through death at the hands of a foe, a selfless act or something other that's far more creative than anything my mind can devise for old Batman. If Azrael is to be believed, Batman is going to burn in Arkham Knight, perhaps foreshadowing the fate of the Caped Crusader. I'm intrigued though, would you like it if Rocksteady did kill of the Batman? As long as it's done tastefully, naturally. So that's it. I've delved into Arkham Knight and what we so far to figure out what we need to know, but what do you want to know about Batman Arkham Knight? Let me know your thoughts down in the comments!

Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.