Batman: Arkham Knight - 12 Superhero Franchises Rocksteady Must Tackle Next

1. Superman

We all knew this was coming, but if there was anything that Arkham Knight told us it's that Rocksteady have their sights well and truly locked on the boy in blue, but that's not the only reason why Supes is the most logical hero for them to have a go at next. Superman's popularity as a pop culture icon is only closely matched by Batman's, so it only makes sense for a Superman project to be spring boarded from a Batman one. Though the 'Lex Enterprises' insignia had popped up on multiple occasions in previous Arkham games, it was Rocksteady's latest that really upped the ante with references. On top of Lex leaving messages for Bruce, thugs make constant reference to that 'freak in Metropolis' - no doubt the Man of Steel they all detest as much as they do Batman. Like his dark counterpart in Gotham, Clark Kent has seen no shortage of game adaptations, but non have managed to surpass the level of quality the Arkham games have. Superman 64 is enshrined in notoriety as being perhaps the worst game to exist, ever, and his most recent appearance in a solo adventure (2006's Superman Returns) failed to ignite passions the same way his comics have done. With as many failed games as he has under his belt, is a good title for Superman really unattainable? Well, no. The formula may be incredibly difficult to crack, but Rocksteady are best positioned to have a go at doing so. Supes' abilities could really make for something special, but only time will tell if the developers who returned Batman to videogame glory will be able to do the same for America's biggest cultural icon. Are there any heroes you feel are deserving of their own game? Or should Rocksteady abandon the genre altogether? Sound off below and don't forget to 'like' the Facebook Page!
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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.