Batman: Arkham Knight - 15 Best Rumours From 2014 You Need To Know

7. Scarecrow Is The Main Villain

This is all but confirmed in an official press release sort of capacity (unless you count Reddit AMAs as an official capacity). Marketing Manager Gaz Deaves ended up pinpointing ol' sackhead himself as the main man you'll be taking down throughout Arkham Knight, rather than the titular Cyborg/Monster/Not Joker We Promise fans had come to expect. It's a surprising comment, but Deaves went on to say that Scarecrow was the "instigator of the events that kick off the narrative", opening up another avenue of speculation in that the Knight may not be the guy you're trying to take down for the duration. There's every possibility for an 'enemy of my enemy is my friend'-style switcheroo halfway through the game, especially when Scarecrow's fear toxin could just as easily be affecting soldiers the Knight is attempting to recruit. It must be said Scarecrow was the first villain seen the reveal trailer for Arkham Knight, and if they can keep up that purely nightmarish visual on screen, he could be a real force to be reckoned with.
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