Batman: Arkham Knight - 15 Best Rumours From 2014 You Need To Know

6. League Of Shadows/Assassins Side Missions

As Ra's Al Ghul is finally dead and unable to resurrect himself thanks to you smashing his Lazarus Pit to bits at the end of City, he succumbs to old age and instead takes to haunting you as a spirit throughout your time in Gotham. Batman then apparently finds that the League are still operating in secret, potentially tying the game world with that of the 'Nolanverse' depending on the whether they stay as Assassins or switch to Shadows, and giving you access to a string of side missions that'll see you finally put them all out of business for good. This sort of thing might end up as DLC in the end as it doesn't feel like a particularly weighty piece of content alongside the Arkham Knight identity and warring gang leaders stuff taking centre stage. Still, the idea of Rocksteady acknowledging Batman's origins and tying up every loose end will make for some Far Cry-esque outpost-clearing fun if nothing else.
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