Batman: Arkham Knight - 15 Best Rumours From 2014 You Need To Know

5. The Riddler, Harley Quinn, Penguin And Two-Face All Work For The Arkham Knight

As you can probably tell when looking through the footage already available of the Knight in action, he has a huge amount of military ordinance and manpower available. So much so according to rumours, that the rest of Gotham decide they better get in line, rather than attempt to survive on their own. This factors into the idea that Gotham is tearing itself apart, and as Scarecrow is reported to be the main villain, two sides must surely emerge with the Arkham Knight and Scarecrow duking it out for supremacy - Batman all the while is stuck fighting for his life in the middle. There's still a boatload of potential when it comes to doing any of these characters' justice in boss fight form, as all four were taken out essentially with quick-time events in the other games. But with them showing up proudly in every pre-release piece of footage so far, it seems Rocksteady want to make each one memorable in the lead-up to taking down both the Knight and Scarecrow - so here's hoping.
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