Batman: Arkham Knight - 15 Best Rumours From 2014 You Need To Know

14. Damian Wayne Is The Arkham Knight

Rumours continue to fly about the Knight himself (and boy are there some zingers throughout this list) but one that seems to have gained some traction is the idea that it's Bruce's son Damian. With his mother being the now-deceased Talia Al Ghul, it could serve as ample motivation to take down his father as some twisted revenge mission on the reason his mother was taken from him in the first place. Bruce and Talia's relationship in the Arkham franchise has been spotty at best, but it's not too far from the realms of possibility, plus who better to take down Batman that his son? It's potentially better for longtime fans of the Bat that someone with some real weight and purpose behind them be the one to tackle Bruce, rather than a total newcomer.
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