Batman: Arkham Knight - 15 Best Rumours From 2014 You Need To Know

12. The Justice League Are Included

Easter Eggs have always abounded in Rocksteady games, and it's reportedly no different for Arkham Knight, as throughout your time in the city as you're flying from building to building, you'll pick up various news reports and other transmissions amongst the gangster-chatter. One such bulletin apparently alludes to the Justice League's early formation (sans any knowledge from Batman, presumably) although this could be the perfect way for Bats to get in touch with the wider world of DC heroes. NetherRealm's Injustice: Gods Among Us was a blisteringly fast fighter that featured an awesome campaign positively sweating iconic heroes, all intersecting and conversing with each other naturally. Where the Arkham game-version of Batman factors into an assumedly lighter Justice League title is like if Nolan's version had joined the upcoming Batman V Superman, if Rocksteady are looking to developer another superhero game following this one, it's a perfect way to set it up.
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