Batman: Arkham Knight - 15 Best Rumours From 2014 You Need To Know

11. Joker's Fate Is Revealed In The Prequel Comic

Only recently announced, it seems DC are going to be putting out an official companion comic to fill in the gaps between the end of City and the beginning of Knight. So far the only piece of information out there is that this will focus on the aftermath of the events of City itself and the dissolution of Arkham as a prison system, leading to Bruce questioning his very nature and purpose as Batman. In a world where more large-scale crime is committed and now the people he's trying to save are dying because of the very idea of Batman's existence, it's enough to make him chuck in the cowl for good. Joker-wise though this could be where fans finally get something physical and bankable as to what's happened with the Clown Prince since City. Rocksteady have been very vigilant in confirming his death, but as fans of Batman and comic storylines in general know; just like the second Robin, Jason Todd, people rarely stay dead forever.
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