Batman: Arkham Knight - 15 Best Rumours From 2014 You Need To Know

9. The Arkham Knight Is An A.I.

Outside of pointing at guys like Jason Todd or Hush and assuming they fit the mantle of Batman's new arch-nemesis pretty well, fans have begun speculating far wider possibilities, one of which being the idea that the mostly forgotten-about GCPD (Gotham City Police Department) have long since grown tired of the Dark Knight's vigilante-antics, and have developed the Knight as an advanced A.I. to take him down. There have plenty of run-ins and encounters between the police and Batman himself, with tons of opportunities to study every facet of Bruce's movement and escapist techniques, the programming of which into a full-body system would allow the Arkham Knight to match Bruce blow-for-blow. Rocksteady continue to not yield when it comes to elaborating on the nature of the Knight him/itself, but after taking one look at the extremely futuristic-looking helmet and armour that adorns the new character, this seems like a pretty cool way of creating someone/thing that can match up to the Bat.
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