Batman: Arkham Knight - 15 Best Rumours From 2014 You Need To Know

10. The Joker Never Died

Naturally the next rumour branch to hop onto following the previous point is that Joker never died at all, and instead through some machination of something like the Lazarus Pit or Clayface's shapeshifting abilities he's alive and well, plotting another return. If he does return despite everything that's been mentioned it's going to be one of the best and biggest bait n' switches in gaming history, especially if Rocksteady take influence from the newer Scott Snyder reboot of the character, making him a truly deranged psychopath who's carved off his own face, only to re-attach it with some staples and a belt. As dark as the Arkham franchises' tone has become it's another world entirely that this newer version of the Joker feels at home in, but as he's returned in the comics from near-death before, a mangled half-alive cackling madman would make for one hell of a reveal.
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