Batman: Arkham Knight - 20 Brand New Images You Need To See

4. You Can Drop Off Hostages From The Back Of The Batmobile

After rescuing any one of your hostages it's time to give Jim Gordon a shout and deliver the hostages back out front of the lab. Rocksteady are easily implementing the best parts of GTA's ebb and flow when it comes to parking up, unloading and diving back into the action straight after.

3. Batman Tackles A Very Formidable Foe

After dropping the hostage off Bruce dives back into the compound and comes up against a couple of combat-worthy foes, far better trained in taking him on than any of the thugs in the previous games. There have been a few enemies in the past that have required more complex methods to take down when it came to exactly when and how long to deploy the counter button, and these guys look set to make sure the whole system gets an overhaul.
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