Batman: Arkham Knight - 20 Brand New Images You Need To See

6. A Batmobile Cannon-Combo

It's pretty hard to miss in the footage available, but if you look in the background here you'll see the Batmobile lining up a shot, only for Batman to volley a thug skywards, allowing the cannon to blast the perp out the sky. This is a pretty insane way of extending your combo meter, and something that unless its been featured in an obscure comic, is unique implementation of the vehicle not seen anywhere else.

5. The First Good Look At Arkham Knight's Soldiers

Last theory-raiser; what if the Arkham Knight is actually just a suit shared by an entire army of people, each trained to peak combat proficiency, all taking on the suit at any one time, so even if Bats brings one of them down, another takes his place? Every shot of the Knight's army looks incredibly well-prepared to take the fight to Bruce, and with such heavy duty hardware and uniforms, it'd be a shame if these guys are no more than faceless goons.
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