2. Perfect - The Stupidly OTT Bone-Breaking Combat Moves
At some point in development the team at Rocksteady must've just reconciled to being like "Yeah, that would kill a guy... but Batman doesn't kill people, so it doesn't" as once you start levelling up some of the more intense moves - or just ram dudes' heads into conduit boxes, shoot them with missiles, run them over at great speed etc. you'll start to say the same thing to yourself. Honestly, if you're coming from the older Arkham games or get to the point where you've perfected the combat already, you'll be snapping bones left and right, dropping guys directly on their heads, crushing stomachs and compounding skeletal structures in all manner of ways - it's truly ridiculous. Ridiculously fun of course, and you'll feel like an absolute boss when you pull them off, but it's pretty funny to look at smouldering car wrecks with people hanging out, thugs who've been slammed face-first into spotlights and others lying in crumpled states just thinking "Yeah... they'll be alright, that'll teach them" as they're forced to drink through straws for the rest of their lives.