Batman: Arkham Legacy - 10 Playable Characters It MUST Include

8. Baphomet

batman arkham legacy

An ordinary insurance adjuster from Delaware by day, and an intimidating, Goat’s head mask wearing vigilante by night, Baphomet is one of Batman’s lesser-known allies in the endless battle for Gotham.

Originally appearing in Kevin Smith’s Batman: The Widening Gyre, Baphomet slowly earned his way into the Dark Knight’s graces by regularly showing up unannounced to join the fight at Batman’s side, impressing Bruce in the process.

Displaying an aptitude for masked crime-fighting, and later revealing to Bruce that his crusade was actually in memory of his murdered brother, he gains both the trust and blessing of the Bat (as long as he doesn’t kill, of course).

It would be awesome to play as the unnerving Baphomet, fighting alongside Batman, using the team-up combat mechanic popularised in previous Arkham games to take down scores of thugs in unison, before retiring to the Batcave to unmask.

Couple this with the potential for an emotional and dramatic story sequence in which Bruce learns a devastating truth that will shock him to his very core, and the inclusion of Baphomet needs no further justification.


Jedi Knight, last son of Krypton, backwards-compatible gaming nerd, Dark Knight of Teesside...