Batman: Arkham Origins - 6 Major Flaws That Completely Ruined It

2. Money For Old Rope

Batman Arkham Origins 60093 Literally the only new part of this game is detective mode, which consists of the same scanning in the first game but this time what you need to scan has a huge red triangle above it and you can fast-forward/rewind crime-scenes to see how crimes took place. This is fun exactly once, which is during a story mission (during the three mission period where the story is good), and at all other points it is monotonous at best. As I said early, there is nothing new in the combat, and the flight is identical to previous games. Gadget wise there are two new ones, though one is actually just a worse version of the line-launcher from Asylum/City, with you now only able to use it when you see two useless metal blobs sticking out of walls opposite each other. The second are electric gloves which allow you to punch through armour, shields, and electronic batons, which raises another continuity issue as it makes no sense that he would discard such a useful tool in later games. The side missions are all rip-offs of those from City, with Anarky's being identical to Zsasz, Deadshot's (because a bunch of the assassins aren't actually in the main plot) being near identical to the fight with Two-Face, the Riddler has his collectibles but without the hostage situations or any sort of challenge to getting the collectibles, and the rest are the same as Bane's 'find these things and blow them up' levels, with the exception of Shiva and Hatter, who rip off Riddler's hostage situations and Scarecrows hallucinations respectively. Origins may just be a really terrible version of Arkham City, yet you may be thinking, "Wait, he hasn't mentioned the story! Perhaps the game is worth buying for that!" well, my dear, optimistic children, we still have one reason left...

Oldfield is a journalist, reviewer, and amateur comic-book writer (meaning he's yet to be published). He's a man who'll criticise anything, even this biog, which he thinks is a bit crap. For notifications on when new articles are up and game related news, follow him on his Twitter account @DunDunDUH