Batman: Arkham Origins - 6 Things We REALLY Want To See

4. A Good Final Boss Battle

Joker Arkham Asylum The boss battles in the Arkham franchise have always been the series' weakest point. The final battle with The Joker at the end of Asylum was basically a joke, and while the Clayface in City was a lot better it still fell into that classic Arkham mold of "trick the big guy into running into things." We've had that exact same boss fight innumerable times now, and it's about time we had a change of pace. The promotional material for Origins has heavily featured Black Mask, Deathstroke, and The Joker, all of whom can potentially give us better boss fights than we've been treated to so far. Let's hold out hope that Origins will go out with more flourish than we've seen thus far.

Kevin Lanigan is a fun-loving Sagittarius who enjoys long walks on the beach and sunsets. While running a popular blog called Chekhov's Gunman, Kevin hopes to one day write the best movies and television you can complain about on the Internet. One of those movies, entitled IT DIDN'T TAKE, just opened up on Indiegogo and would appreciate all donations. Rosebud is a sled.