Batman Arkham Reboot: 10 Villains Who MUST Appear
It's time for the Phantasm to make her debut.

There will be a new Batman game before we know it, and it's going to need new villains. We've seen a lot of the same villains multiple times in the series by now, and they'll need to add a lot of new blood to the story for players to not feel like they're playing the same old game again.
While the majority of Batman's major villains have already been used in the games, there are a lot of unique and iconic villains that have still been unrepresented in the series so far. These villains provide a lot of incredibly interesting narrative opportunities that would throw Batman into a story unlike anything we've ever seen him face. The series has gone on for so long that the game needs to feel new and refreshing to truly captivate us again.
By pitting Batman against a gallery of rogues he hasn't fought before, he will be placed completely out of his element. Allowing the traditionally cool and confident Batman to become overwhelmed and confused makes him easier for players to relate to. When the veil of confidence slips, Batman is immediately humanized. This is best accomplished by forcing him to fight enemies he doesn't already know everything about.
10. David Cain

David Cain's former lover, Lady Shiva, has already appeared in the Arkham series, being one of the many assassins chasing the bounty on Batman's head in Arkham Origins. An interesting way to bring her back into the series would be to have her and Batman team up to take on David. He's a very capable combatant, and he would certainly give players a challenging boss fight.
Lady Shiva and David Cain also have a daugher: Cassandra Cain. Famous for being the fourth character to become Batgirl, Cain is an even fiercer fighter than both of her parents. She currently goes by Orphan in the comics, and she's one of the most skilled members of the Batfamily. Including her parents would be an excellent opportunity to introduce her into the series as well.
Cassandra Cain was recently featured in the Birds of Prey film, but the interpretation of her in the film isn't incredibly accurate to the traditional version of her that fans know and love. Including a traditional Cassandra Cain in the game would be a brilliant way to make the game more appealing to fans who felt burned by the film version of the character.
Cassandra Cain would also make an incredibly fun character to play as due to her unique skillset and great talent. Perhaps she could join the fight and help Batman take down her father in what would make for a very entertaining scene.