Battlefield 4: 10 Impressions From The Beta

2. Suppression Is Much Better

Supression Sometimes a game of BF3 was won by rendering the other team blind, not with flash-bangs or flash-lights more powerful than the sun but with the power of suppression. Metro comes to mind where two support guys could make your entire team blind and useless coming up the stairs - when suppressed the screen blurs and your aim is miles off. This time Dice has listened to the fans and have changed the way suppression works, no longer does your screen go so blurry that you become confused and angry, there is still a hint of blur but nowhere near what their used to be. Also your aim is only off by a few cm, which means skilled players are still able to aim and get the shots off. This really does change things up as sometimes during BF3 a squad with squad suppression and LMG€™s would attack and there was nothing you could do but blind shooting, it made those games very hard to love, but now with the new suppression there is still a chance to take those guys out, which is a Godsend.

1. This Game Will Be Awesome

Best It goes without saying that since this was just a beta test and it was fun to play and great to look at, it's going to be great to see what those few weeks of optimization hold, as the data gathered from the test is going to push this game to the next level. It is preferable to play it on PC and the next generation of consoles but I honestly believe you will still have fun on the current gen. This game looks better, feels more fluid and is a lot more fun than BF3, with the new game modes to look forward to I can be certain of one thing, this game will be awesome. Are you looking forward to Battlefield 4? Share your excitement below in the comments thread.

Folk know me as Al but I mostly go by Bald Gamer Dude, I not only write but have a gaming YouTube channel ( and run a Podcast too ( You can usually find me on the comfy chair with controller in hand or at the PC nursing a bad case of RSI.