I'm sure you might know this by now, but GTA V is out soon, and judging from the pre-release trailers, it seems to have rediscovered some of its mojo. You might ask what I mean by this after all, Grand Theft Auto 4 is one of the most critically lauded games ever, full of tremendous moments, a gripping plot and more sandbox freedom than you could shake a stick at. Well, yes, you'd be right. I love GTA IV, even those friendship missions filled with monotonous Rasta-pool and dragging your cousin to strip clubs all populated by the same stripper troupe (that's one powerful union they've got there). But really, you can't deny that it lost a certain spark in its ultra-serious translation onto PS3. Hell, there's even a franchise which crawled out of that now-lost GTA wackiness Saints Row. Originally a run-of-the-mill clone, THQ's surreal-'em-up spotted a gap in the market and proceeded to tap dance upon it with gleeful abandon. And fairs fair, it sells well, has its own style and can offer a riotous good time. But fundamentally, it's not GTA. Even when stripped of the insanity, Rockstar's opus is head and shoulders above the competition. Yet as it returns to Los Santos, there seems to be more of a move to rediscover the anarchic spirit of its past incarnations. So with that in mind, I've compiled a list of my favourite insane acts from past GTA games, in hope they can get a next-gen update. Sure, some of them may be almost too specific, but hot damn, a man can dream about them happening again.