10. Send A Tank Up The Freeway
I'm going to be up front I miss the tanks, really, I do. The first time I got to a 6-star wanted rating on GTA IV itself not an easy task I really felt I'd achieved something, a rite of passage usually reserved for Vikings after their first head-necklace. I waited for the boys in camo bedecked with M4s and all ordnance known to man to appear and challenge my one-Serbian death conga. Yet tragically, they didn't. All I encountered were those bulletproof FBI jeeps, and while they were fun, they certainly weren't tanks. So for this one, I'm hoping above all else that tanks will come back in force. Because let's face it, spawning a Rhino or hopping into an army base and nicking one, if you were a crazy person and taking it to the freeway was a glorious exercise in stupidity. Getting into the opposite lane and flattening on-coming traffic like explosive pancakes was a giddy thrill, only matched by bulldozing a police blockade for having the temerity to block your fun-scapades. You'd think bundling SWAT vans over would lose its thrill, that batting aside another police car would be less of a novelty each time it happens. As you and I know, they'd be wrong.