Before GTA V: 10 Greatest Side Characters in GTA History

1. Officer Frank Tenpenny

If you€™re a GTA fan, you€™ll surely remember the crooked Officer Frank Tenpenny. He€™s essentially the first character we meet in GTA: San Andreas and it€™s perhaps no big surprise that he€™s also the game€™s primary antagonist. Tenpenny is a nigh on perfect villain. He€™s irreversibly corrupt but he genuinely seems to believe that he€™s in the right, that he€™s the good guy in the story, that his actions serve some indefinable greater good. And you really can€™t understate the dramatic, cinematic quality that Samuel L. Jackson€™s honeyed tones bring to the character. With Jackson providing the performance and R* providing the story, Tenpenny quickly and easily secured himself a place in any list like this. So there are my ten favourite GTA characters. Anyone I missed (I€™m sure there is, given the epic roster)? Get commenting and set it right.

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.