Before GTA V: 10 Reasons GTA IV is the Best in the Series

4. The Combat System

Again, with GTA IV appearing on current-gen consoles, there was bound to be a shift in the standard of the combat mechanics, and that there really was. Again, it might have taken some getting used to should you have been jumping in after playing one of the previous GTA titles, but with a little time to get used to the nuances, you€™ll find that GTA IV boast easily the most intuitive and accurate combat system of the bunch. GTA IV was the first game in the franchise to properly utilize a cover system (although in previous title, you could take cover by simply running behind objects, and Vice City introduced crouching which aided the task). And obviously, this was all improved immensely by the newly improved physics and invariably the upgraded graphics. Again, not a singular reason that GTA IV is my favourite in the series, but, as it is a video game, I have to factor the fluidity and intuitiveness of the combat mechanics as a part of the argument.

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.