Before Walking Dead Game Episode 5: 10 Greatest Moments So Far

3. Don't Go Up To The Attic (Episode 4: Around Every Corner) Firstly, skip ahead in the above clip to around 9:40, to the exact moment I'm talking about. Around the beginning of Episode 4, the group (joined by Omid and Christa, whom we met at the end of the last episode), find a fortified manor house and decide to hole up there for a while. After splitting up to search the place, Kenny disappears. Where is he? Eventually, you'll find out that he's gone up into the attic; he won't answer and he won't come down. I expected to find Kenny dead. Instead, I got something much more emotionally devastating. Kenny is on his knees, watching in frozen horror as an emaciated child zombie, no more than seven or eight years old before death, struggles to even stand. In a completely unexpected twist of fate, Kenny is all but forced to accept the nature of this new world, to acknowledge the fate of Duck and of course his wife. It's chilling, heart-breaking and strangely life affirming all in the same breath. And just another example of Telltale's storytelling brilliance. How It Affects The Story Kenny is obviously affected, but their choice not to inform the others of what's up in the attic means that the rest of the group remain emotionally untouched. However, this is a great opportunity for Lee and Kenny to have some time together, and if you make the right set of calls, you can give Kenny another reason to stick by Lee to the end.

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.