10 BEST Looking Video Games Of The Generation So Far

1. Senua's Saga: Hellblade II (2024)

Best Graphics Of The Generation Hellblade 2
Xbox Game Studios

Hellblade II, unfortunately, does a lot of things wrong. It's way too short, the combat gets repetitive quickly, and the pacing can be dire. That said, the game is such a feast for the eyes that it'll make you feel like a medieval English King at a banquet. 

Senua's Saga truly sets the tone for how far the industry has come in regards to cinematics. The weather effects, character models, lighting, and animation all come together to paint a spectacular attempt at capturing reality. There are legitimate times that the game looks so photorealistic you'll think it's all live-action. 

Of course, the crowning achievement is Senua herself. It's no wonder Melina Juergens sweeps up best actor award wins like nobody's business, given how unbelievably well-captured she is. The details of her performance can be seen across her face, even deep within her eyes, which look vibrant and full of life. This is something few games can even come close to replicating, and Hellblade II does it with ease. 

This sequel may have been a letdown for many, but it set a new benchmark for video game graphics, so Ninja Theory deserves their flowers for that. 

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