10 BEST Looking Video Games Of The Generation So Far
2. Horizon Forbidden West (2022)

Horizon Forbidden West is a gorgeous game, a next-level gorgeous game. The fact that the open world is so huge but full of detail is mind-boggling. Yet, Guerilla Games handled it to perfection.
To start, Aloy herself looks fantastic. Her facial expressions and design are close to lifelike, letting you believe she's there. It would also be remiss not to mention the delightfully cool tech-based enemies, the Machines. These mechanical beasties are loaded to the brim with visual intricacies that leave you finding new bits and pieces every time you look at them.
Some glory also needs to be thrown at the unbelievable weather dynamics. There's nothing like walking through a photorealistic environment, watching as the grass and leaves are blown so convincingly by the wind that you could almost feel it on your face. Then there's the water, which is so visually and physically believable that it wouldn't be hyperbole to call it one of the best water simulations in gaming.
Overall, this game feels real and alive, thanks to its flawless graphics. There's only one other game that could top it...