Bethesda's Starfield: Every Fact & Rumour So Far

3. Trademarks Point To Smartphone Integration

Starfield Bethesda

Back to some more solid speculation. When examining the trademark that was taken out for Starfield, several people noticed the wording and the unique business-babble that the trademark held. Whilst it would be foolish to pretend to have an intimate knowledge of trademark speech, it was highly indicative of a mobile element to the game.

Namely, the initial trademark had to be renewed, and there was a massive alteration to the wording. The wording almost explicitly hinted towards the game being a mobile game. Considering the fact that we now know it to be a next-gen console game, we can rule out Starfield being a solely mobile experience.

Instead, it is likely that we will see some form of companion app, likely playing somewhat of a major and integral role in the game. The sudden change in the trademark wording could be indicative of the project's direction. Combine that with Bethesda's big push on mobile expansions of their major franchises, it becomes almost ludicrous to imagine that they wouldn't capitalise on this with their new IP.

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I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.