Beyond: Two Souls - 9 Reasons It's An Incredible Achievement In Gaming

6. Recognised Actors

beyond two souls This is the first time that A-List actors such as Ellen Page and Willem Dafoe have been utilised to their full degree in-game. Although we€™ve had motion-captured performances before, it€™s a definite step-up to what€™s been done already, actually provoking questions around an actor€™s performance in a game. Think about that for a moment, as even outside of the likes of Nolan North and Troy Baker becoming well-known names for their contributions as Uncharted€™s Nathan Drake or The Last of Us's Joel respectively, the fact we can have a discussion around a particular character€™s performance i.e. line delivery, script-handling, actual chemistry between characters, is a remarkable achievement. Now before I we get too carried away, I€™m not saying games should €œstrive to be more like films," which is a common complaint levied at these kinds of titles, questioning why the likes of Cage don€™t just produce movies instead of games. I will always say games should be able to stand on their own, but emerging art forms have always taken liberally from the established mediums of yesteryear and built from them, and with the evolution of video games comes the inevitable comparison to the nearest visual accompaniment. Yet with the injection of gameplay elements that change how the experience plays out, it still remains a game through and through.
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Gaming Editor

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