Beyond: Two Souls - 9 Reasons It's An Incredible Achievement In Gaming

5. Passion Project

Davidcage The term "passion project" can herald a variety of responses, mostly coming from the throwers of "pretentiousness" and "self-indulgence" into the mix. Whilst those things are definitely true with Beyond, and I would still maintain David Cage is in desperate need of an editor to come in and refine his more eccentric tendencies - the fact that someone who has something to say for a burgeoning medium has within his reach the means to do so is something to be celebrated. If you played Beyond and came out of it thinking it was a huge waste of time, that€™s completely fine. To be completely honest, I don€™t think it succeeds in telling the story it sets out to tell very well, but that doesn€™t take away from the potential of the idea in the first place... or the myriad of things it does do spectacularly well. It€™s only when the credits are rolling that you€™re left to think about the overall experience, and when doing so if the entire interaction was a memorable one and you can see what they were trying to do, it was definitely worth your time.
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