Bioshock: All Games & Story DLC RANKED

2. Bioshock

Bioshock infinite elizabeth
2K Games

There's a reason that Bioshock is so highly regarded.

In a world where so many games don't have anything interesting to say, Bioshock was willing to buck the trend by telling a story that explored themes of free will, objectivism, and the very idea of video games.

It's a piece of high art. That and Bioshock is both a great FPS and horror title, all whilst taking place in one of the most creative settings of all time and giving you cool superpowers.

These superpowers are a lot of fun to use, in fact, the entire game is a lot of fun and hasn't aged poorly one bit.

With most series, going back to the first entry after playing what comes after becomes difficult as each subsequent entry adds enough quality of life changes to make the gameplay of the first title feel clunky in comparison. That's not the case here.

It's an expertly built experience that only has one major flaw and that is that Bioshock goes on for a little too long. After the "would you kindly" twist, the game just kind of carries on and outstays its welcome.

Oh, and Bioshock has those awful pipe mini-games. Make that two major flaws.

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Has a degree in video game development. Is kinda addicted to video games, television, and films. Probably needs some help, to be honest.