The final 20-or-so minutes of the game sees the player and a returning Taylor fighting their way through the Frozen Forest in order to shut down Corvus. This is visualised through increasingly surreal means, with gigantic vein-like vines spreading through the icy landscape, and the main goal is to destroy three beating hearts you discover in the forest. Sure, one is cool and pretty freaky, but three makes boring busy-work of it, which is rather disappointing, and by the time this level comes to an end, it sadly feels like more of a tiresome slog than an agreeably surreal twist on the usual CoD formula. But of course, Corvus ain't quite gone yet...
1. It Ends With The Player Becoming Taylor...Or Something
Corvus tries to attack you once more, but Taylor shows up and makes the save, holding Corvus back while you initiate a purge to remove him from the forest. This purge begins as you walk around and Jefferson Airplane's iconic classic "White Rabbit" plays out, while Taylor tries to soothe and assure you of what's going on. It eventually hits 100% and you find your way outside, where a soldier greets you and rather heavy-handedly asks what your name is. The player's response? "Taylor". This suggests that the player and Taylor's personalities have somehow merged, and it's also not clear whether or not Corvus has also possibly merged with them. The sudden cut to black leaves a lot up in the air as the most confusing CoD game in existence draws to a conclusion more frustrating than satisfying. What did you think of Black Ops 3's campaign? What worked? What sucked? Shout it out in the comments!
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.