Black Ops 3: 44 WTF Campaign Moments

34. Two Hostages Get Their Heads Exploded

Once you arrive in Singapore, you soon enough come across the faction known as the 54 Immortals, a crime syndicate who do pretty much whatever they like with the locals. Cue Hendricks and yourself being witness to one particularly brutal act, as they take two citizens, attack them and then fit explosive collars around their necks. As the Immortals walk away, the terrified hostages' heads are exploded into bloody chunks as their headless corpses drop to the floor. Vile, but hell if it doesn't make you want to kill every single one of these a**holes.

33. Warlords Are The Most Annoying CoD Enemy Ever

A little ways into the third mission, you'll come across easily the most irritating enemy in not just BO3 but the entire CoD series. Warlords are extremely difficult-to-kill enemies who will stalk you through various sections with giant machine guns and armour that can't be easily cracked by conventional weapons or explosives. The two easiest strategies for dealing with them are to sneak up on them and punch them in the face 6 or 7 times before they finally go down, or alternatively find a vehicle with a mounted turret and just let rip. They're incredibly frustrating because they can kill you with so much ease and force you to go back 4 or 5 minutes, which when it happens two or three times in a row can be infuriating beyond belief. Thankfully, however, they're almost completely absent from the second half of the game, but even so, every time they show up, there's a feeling of instant dread. On the other hand, props to Treyarch for finally putting an enemy into the series who can't be easily dispatched with a few bullets.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.