Black Ops 3: 44 WTF Campaign Moments

36. The Philosophy Of A Chocolate Bar

The third mission kicks off with you heading to Singapore, and on the way there, Hendricks can be seen munching on a chocolate bar, telling the player that he can't even begin to describe how good it tastes after eating MREs (meals, ready-to-eat) for so long. You then tell Hendricks that he could get a mod to make everything taste good, but of course, he aptly retorts that "if I did that, I'd never get to appreciate the real thing", all while taking another bite of the bar and throwing the rest to the floor. What a waste. Sure, it's not quite as nuanced as the scene where Cypher eats a steak in The Matrix, but it gets the point across well enough.

35. There Are In-Mission Cut-Scenes

One of the more unexpected additions to this year's campaign mode is that there are now extensive in-mission cut-scenes. Given how exposition would usually be relayed to the viewer in first-person view, this shift to third-person cut-scenes is at first incredibly jarring, but ultimately it makes sense given that it provides a much wider, more cinematic scope to tell the story: you're not always relying on whoever is nearest to just spout information to you. By the end of the third mission (where it's first introduced), it feels pretty at home, but it certainly takes a little getting used to. Hopefully future CoD games, regardless of who is developing them, will take note from this lead.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.