Black Ops 3: 44 WTF Campaign Moments

30. A Waiter Gets Stabbed For Spilling A Drink

BO3's fourth mission opens with the player and Hendricks infiltrating the 54 Immortals by posing as arms dealers, and during a meeting with a fellow dealer from the group, a waiter is called over to bring another round of drinks. He spills one of the glasses, however, and the enraged dealer decides to stab him in the shoulder, proclaiming that he has embarrassed him in front of his guests. Overreaction much? And of course, all hell breaks loose seconds later when your robot backup shows up and pumps everyone else in the room with lead. Hopefully the waiter lived to see another day, though.

29. That Awesome Laser Hand-Slicer

While infiltrating the 54 Immortals' HQ, Hendricks and the player reach a computer system that requires two handprint inputs. After using the palm of one corpse, the player character decides to whip out an awesome laser cutter handcuff device, which she wraps around the hand of another corpse strewn around the room, effortlessly slicing the hand off and allowing them to quickly get the second print before more Immortals show up. Cue that awesome above shot of the still-smoking hand getting pressed onto the scanner...

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.