Black Ops 3: 44 WTF Campaign Moments

28. Yes, The Game Has Boss Battles

Another huge surprise is that BO3 features a number of heightened encounters which can only best be described as boss battles, the first major one of which is a stand-off against an A.S.P. mech at the start of the game's fourth mission. The robot emerges out of the rubble and begins assaulting your team, requiring you to use RPGs to take it down, first shooting out its shields with your MG and then firing rockets at it when its guard is down. You typically need to rinse and repeat this strategy two or three times before it goes down. The A.S.P. appears frequently throughout the game, and though never nearly as threatening as in its first intense encounter, is a force to be reckoned with nonetheless (though still nowhere near as annoying as those damn Warlords).

27. Those Animals In Jars

The game's fifth mission sees the team heading to the Coalescence Corporation's facility to get to the bottom of Taylor's change of allegiance. You'll find yourself eventually fighting through a series of labs, one of which curiously contains a number of animals, apparently monkeys, floating in jars of fluid. It seems so out of place considering the non-medical apparatus surrounding their workstations, and even on its own merits, in an already fairly sinister environment only makes this level all the more creepy.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.