Bloodborne: 10 Complaints Fans Are Already Sick Of Hearing

10. "I Should Be Able To Block"

Should you? Because pretty much every other melee-focussed game will give you a sword and a shield or blocking move - they're the most basic tenets of push n' pull slasher-based gameplay, sure - but that's why removing one of them is so brilliant. It makes you feel uncomfortable, makes you immediately realise you're going to die if you don't get out the way fast enough, and more important thanks to the gun-parry move that means you can turn the tables on any enemy within seconds if you get it right, is the perfect way of forcing you into battle whilst stopping you from getting carried away. It's like some weird preternatural instinct to want to throw your hands up whenever an attack is about to connect, but like the dual-handed options of Dark Souls 2, forcing you to stare right into an attack and evade it instead is exhilarating - especially when you're up against a boss who's planning on chewing on your head for breakfast.
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