Bloodborne: 5 Reasons For Dark Souls Fans To Be Ecstatic

1. Big Bosses Are Back

In between the zombie dogs, the shambling undead and the claustrophobic streets of the city, it's easy to notice the lack of one major thing; where are the massive bosses that we love dying to so much? Fortunately, the answer comes right at the end of the trailer, when From Software gives us a glimpse of exactly the kind of disgustingly giant creature we're looking for. While our hero reaches towards a dusty skull, the stuff of pure nightmares emerges from the shadows behind him, with a presumably messy outcome. The intense boss fights of the Souls games have always acted as a true test of the skills you've acquired in the games so far, with some inspired results. Who can forget the first time they downed the Minotaur in the early days of the Undead Burg, or finally overcame the frustration that is Ornstein and Smough? While we're happy From Software are trying something new, we're equally happy that these testaments to player endurance aren't being done away with just yet. And, with the new style of combat, we're anticipating some immense boss fights that will take full advantage of the new gunpowder-based weaponry. Bloodborne is starting to show all the hallmarks of what makes a great From Software game, combining the elements that have proven so successful for the Souls franchise, with a totally unique style of its own. Set to release next year, we can't wait for Bloodborne to bring out our inner sadomasochists. What do you guys think? Is the addition of guns going to break the melée focus the other games have? How do you think they should be implemented to really do something original? Let us know in the comments!
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