Borderlands: 10 Brilliant Moments That Made Us Hardcore Fans
4. Butt Stallion
Often, characters will talk to you through your super-special-future-walkie-talkie as you carry out quests in the Borderlands games, delivering lines of witty banter and occasionally taunting you. The character we had the most interactions with was Handsome Jack, the villain of Borderlands 2, and he had some cracking bits of dialogue. Most notably of these was his bragging about the diamond studded horse he had just bought. He had called the horse 'Butt Stallion', and there's something so outrageously indulgent in the purchasing of a diamond horse that tickled us just the right way. Silly little interactions like this one are what made us enjoy hearing from Jack, despite his being a complete moron. In fact, most of the games villains had entertaining stories to tell which elevated them from simple gun-fodder into exciting and funny encounters.
A young man with a hairy face. Will often tell you that winter is coming before retreating to his mancave to play video games with a wooly jumper at the ready, just in case.