Breath Of The Wild 2: 10 Features The Zelda Sequel MUST Include
1. More Zelda
This is, without question, the most popular version of Zelda to date; she has metric tons of character, being at once a dignified princess, a determined leader, and an adorably insecure nerd fully aware of how in over her head she is. Her relationship with Link is the best since Skyward Sword, and the game has way more scenes between them in the form of flashbacks to flesh their relationship out.
The problem is that she spends all but the last 10% of the game keeping Calamity Ganon contained. Which is a great spin on the whole damsel in distress role she's usually relegated to, but that is no longer the case by the finale. She's travelling with Link now, going on adventures, so she should be given more to do in the story.
Luckily Nintendo seems to be aware of this, judging by the reveal railer. Either this is going to go the Skyward Sword route of Zelda not being captured by the enemy, but rather just doing her own thing, or, as many have speculated, the person that this series is supposedly a legend of, is finally going to take centre stage.
We're definitely hoping for the latter.
If for no other reason than to finally purge the Zelda CD-I games from gaming's collective consciousness.