Breath Of The Wild 2: 10 Features The Zelda Sequel MUST Include

8. Better Climbing During Rain


If the stamina meter is the god-king of Breath Of The WIld whom all mortals must bow down to, then the elements are the Hera to its Zeus. One is bad enough, but if you're so unlucky as to get into a situation where both are obstacles, then you, my friend, are in for a hilarious time. Well, hilarious for everyone but you.

Case in point, every BOTW player has had that moment where they'd gotten their hands on enough extensions to their stamina meter that they could finally climb up those cliff faces that had been vexing them for so long - only for that dreaded thunderclap to ring out over the land.

If you knew anything about rain physics in this game before getting here the first time, then you probably just started profusely apologizing to gravity for calling it a fussy prick that one time, as you desperately scrambled Link up the side of the cliff before the rain caused all friction to dissipate along with Link's poor squishy skeleton.

Yes, this is true to life, as rock climbing is significantly harder when those rocks are covered in running water. But this is a game where you can jump above a campfire and be launched several feet into the air and then slow down time to shoot a goblin in the face with an arrow that has a bomb strapped to the end. So what exactly is the realism angle here?


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?