Breath Of The Wild 2: 10 Features The Zelda Sequel MUST Include

7. More Towns And Cities


The various towns and cities found in Breath Of The Wild were all well and good. But being a land beset by a lovecraftian demon monster and his horde of minions, most of the setting was - understandably - pretty barren apart from the occasional fortified town that could hold them off.

But Calamity Ganon is dead, and even though a new threat is emerging if that trailer is anything to go by, there should be some kind of evidence that defeating Ganon actually accomplished something.

Whether it's a more lively Hyrule castle town, maybe with a nifty little statue in town square of the champions of old, or maybe an expanded Tarrey Town, signs of more life should be included.

Hell you could go all the way with the idea and show the four races having expanded their kingdoms all throughout their respective lands, instead of holing up in their capitals.

What should absolutely not be done is show BOTW's Hyrule exactly as it was in the original. It was serene and beautiful, yes, but only because it belied a history of a great nation being destroyed. So, a sequel should demonstrate that Hyrule is finally beginning to bounce back.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?